

In January 2006 an Associational Summit was held at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to look at the current conditions of the associations and see what may be the future. It was also an opportunity to create a network of associations that could encourage and support one another as well as finding resources to strengthen. Then, following the process of reports and presentations, the new organization began. While the question has been asked, “Will NOBA (Network of Baptist Associations) replace the SBCAL (Southern Baptist Convention Associational Leaders)?” The answer is “no.” NOBA intent is to provide educational development, resourcing and networking while the SBCAL purpose is meeting is for fellowship and inspiration for those attending the SBC.



NOBA exists to be a community of Southern Baptist associations networking together to strengthen each other for the work of assisting churches in accomplishing God’s mission locally, nationally and internationally.



  • Biblically & Spiritually Based. Associations should be biblically based and practicing spiritual disciplines such as prayer, evangelism and discipleship.
  • Church Focused. Associations should assist churches to be healthy and on mission (Acts 1:8).
  • Missional. Associations should assist churches to become involved in Kingdom focused initiatives to reach the world for Christ.
  • Strategic. Associations should intentionally implement a contextually relevant mission plan.
  • Catalytic. Associations should take the initiative in leading in creative ways that enhance and add value to the ministry of the local church. (Synergy)
  • Relational. Associations should add value to the local church by developing broader strategic relationships that produce Kingdom results.



  • To be an advocate for Associations and for Associational Missions Strategist (DOM’s) to have a national voice,
  • To assist in discovering what the future purpose and role of associations will be and to help claim that future,
  • To provide a web-based means of networking and partnering to facilitate communication and the availability of information that will assist Associational Missions Strategist (DOM’s) in networking,
  • To provide an annual summit of Associational Missions Strategist (DOM’s) for continuing education and enhancement of job skills,
  • To do web-based research to validate assumptions or to discover needs that should be addressed by NOBA.